home > Disneyland Paris Resort > Pictures > Saturday, November 16, 2019 - Page 26 of 55 - << previous page : next page >>
Looking the other direction the street was blocked off too.
Looking the other direction the street was blocked off too. Click to switch to large image view
We ended up on Rue Saint-Honore walking past some very high end stores.  Most stores had extra security inside and out (I felt uncomfortable taking pictures so here is one of a storefront with none visible).
We ended up on Rue Saint-Honore walking past some very high end stores. Most stores had extra security inside and out (I felt uncomfortable taking pictures so here is one of a storefront with none visible). Click to switch to large image view
We kept walking and ended up passing by several embassies it appeared.
We kept walking and ended up passing by several embassies it appeared. Click to switch to large image view
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